When you use the Virtual Classrooms Edition you take advantage of all the benefits our learning platform has to offer. More specific by using a virtual classroom:
- Teachers may enroll students to the platform and courses.
- Teacher may set the date availability of the sections of the courses for their students.
- Teachers may follow student’s progress by using graphs and tables.
- Teachers may contact private text sessions with students in order to private coach them.
- Teachers may exchange files with his/her students through the platform
Student Experience video:
[s3mm type=”video” s3bucket=”coyotelearner” s3region=”eu-central-1″ files=”PythonEN/student experience video.mp4″ splash=”https://coyotelearner.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/climb2.gif” /]
- Students own their own credentials to log in into the lerning platform.
- Students have access even from home.
- Steudents compete with each other through their classroom’s leaderboard.
- Students may communicate with each other.
- Students receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
A Python course for schools and individuals. Excellent resources like cartoon – style video clips, crosswords, hangman and millionaire games, presentation files, exercises and its solutions.
Learning Subject: Computer programming (coding), robotics
Ages addressed: 12+
Certificate of Completion: Yes
Teacher’s Guide availability: Yes
It includes Robotics theory and exercises for Edison Robot.
Video tour to the course:
[s3mm type=”video” s3bucket=”coyotelearner” s3region=”eu-central-1″ files=”PythonEN/python course tour 3.mp4″ splash=”https://coyotelearner.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/python-gas.jpg” /]
The “InPython Course” contains several resources regarding the Python Programming language. It can be said that this is a modern book that gets better every day. This is because CoyoteLearner Educational team constantly refreshes and improves it. It is the student book of your python educational program..
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